Create your own Cryptocurrency within 2 Hours!

Build your own coin (Token) on any blockchain ERC-20, BSC, SOLANA, BRC-20 & More

Want to create the Next 1000X Coin ?

We can create any type of token within 2 Hours!

Unique Code – 100% Secure and auditable with any network.

Token Futures You Can Customize or Add 

  • Burn

    Enables token burning after initial token creation to decrease supply.

  • Mint

    Enables additional token minting after initial token creation to increase supply.

  • Pause

    Specifies whether your token and all associated operations can be halted and resumed whenever needed. This can be useful in case of a vulnerability or a malicious attack. Be aware that enabling pausing gives central authority to the token creator.

  • Blacklist

    Specifies whether individual accounts such as malicious actors can be blacklisted after initial token creation. Be aware that enabling blacklisting gives central authority to the token creator.

  • Transaction Tax / Fee

    If activated, the specified portion of a token transfer will go to the specified tax / fee wallet. Be aware that enabling tax gives central authority to the token creator. It may make your token incompatible with some DeFi protocols. Cannot be deactivated after initial token creation.

  • Has document

    A hash or URL can be used to reference documentation of the underlying asset. Can be edited after a token is successfully minted.

  • Apply Burn Fee (Deflationary Token)

    If activated, the specified portion of a token will be burnt at each transfer. Be aware that enabling deflation gives central authority to the token creator. It may make your token incompatible with some DeFi protocols. Cannot be deactivated after initial token creation.

  • Change Owner

    Enables changing owner anytime u want

  • Max number of tokens per address is limited

    Sets maximum token balance per individual address. Limit can be increased after initial token creation.

  • Can be force transferred

    Regulates the permissions of the token issuer to enforce token transfers without approval or signature of the token holder. Cannot be deactivated after initial token creation.

  • Requires Whitelisting

    Defines if token transfers are only possible to whitelisted addresses or if the token is freely transferable.

Empower Your Vision, Create Your Own Cryptocurrency! Unleash innovation and design your digital asset on CoinGlu’s platform. Build, customize, and launch your cryptocurrency seamlessly. Join the crypto revolution with CoinGlu – Your Path to Personalized Crypto Success!

Get today for $800 Limited Time Only!

Connect Us To create your coin. Please send your project details to us, Email us [email protected] ‘OR’

Supported Blockchain

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Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency may be unregulated in your jurisdiction. The value of cryptocurrencies may go down as well as up. Profits may be subject to capital gains or other taxes applicable in your jurisdiction.